Party chief, President Nguyen Phu Trong chairs key officials’ meeting

Thứ tư - 15/05/2019 20:43 214 0
Party General Secretaryand President Nguyen Phu Trong chaired a meeting of key officials in Hanoi onMay 14. 
Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong chairs the meeting in Hanoi on May 14 - Photo: VNA

Participants at the meeting were members of the Politburo:Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi KimNgan, Standing member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat Tran QuocVuong, and Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Chief of the PartyCentral Committee Office Nguyen Van Nen. 

The meeting heard and discussed a report on the situation andwork performance in April and recommendations on issues needing attention inthe time ahead by the four offices of the Party Central Committee, NA, thePresident and the Government.  

Concluding the meeting, Party leader and President Nguyen PhuTrong said with many major anniversaries and big events in April and the firsthalf of May, the key officials, members of the Politburo, the Party CentralCommittee Secretariat and leaders of the NA and the Government have closelyfollowed the working plan and reality to give instructions to relevantagencies, organisations and localities in implementing set tasks. 

He said arising issues have been handled in an efficient andtimely manner, thus ensuring the smooth operation of the Party, the State, aswell as activities across economic, social, cultural fields along withsecurity-defence, external relations, Party building and anti-corruptionwork. 

The key officials at the meeting reached high consensus onthe key tasks in May and the time ahead. In the immediate future, priorityshould be given to organising the 10th plenum of the 12thParty Central Committee and meetings of the Politburo and the Party CentralCommittee Secretariat; ensuring the pace and quality of the compilation ofdocuments to be submitted to the 13th National Party Congress aswell as preparations for all-level Party congresses towards the 13thNational Congress; while continuing to prepare for the 7th sessionof the 14th National Assembly.

The Party leader and President stressed that the officialsshould closely monitor the implementation of set programmes and plans, addingthat the organisation of all-level Party congresses should not interfere withregular tasks in socio-economic development, security-defence, externalrelations and Party building. He instructed that the fight against corruptionand negative phenomena must be continued with resolve and persistence whileupholding the spirit of solidarity and unity at all-level administrations andin all sectors, and winning public consensus. 

The Party chief required the Party Central Committee Officeto coordinate with relevant agencies in arranging the working schedules of keyParty and State officials, thus ensuring the smooth and efficient operation ofthe Party and the State apparatus.

Source: VNA

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